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Patents and Demos
Archived Software and Datasets
Books and Chapters
Journal Articles

Conference Papers

2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004-2001


Patents and Demos

AMADO, Leonardo R.; AIRES, João Paulo; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; GRANADA, Roger L.; LICKS, Gabriel P.; MARCON, M.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe.. LatRec+: Learning-based Goal Recognition in Latent Space (Demo). In the AAAI 2020 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR), New York, USA, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX].
GRANADA, Roger L.; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MONTEIRO, Juarez; AMADO, Leonardo; BARROS, Rodrigo; RUIZ, Duncan; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Hybrid Activity and Plan Recognition for Video Streams (Demo). In the AAAI 2020 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR), New York, USA, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX]
MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MÓRE, Martin D.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe.. Develop, Visualize and Test Classical Planning Descriptions in your Browser (Demo). In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Berkeley, USA, 2019.
[PDF] [BibTeX].
AMADO, Leonardo R.; AIRES, João Paulo; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; GRANADA, Roger L.; LICKS, Gabriel P.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe.. LatRec: Recognizing Goals in Latent Space (Demo). In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Berkeley, USA, 2019.
[PDF] [BibTeX].
AIRES, João Paulo; GRANADA, Roger L.; and MENEGUZZI, F.. ConCon: A Contract Conflict Identifier (Demo). In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Montreal, Canada, 2019.
[PDF] [BibTeX].
BORDINI, Rafael H; MENEGUZZI, F. R.; VIEIRA, Renata; FREITAS, Artur; KOSTER, Andrew. Método Para Alocação de Tarefas em Cenários Dinâmicos. Deposited 2015.
[BR 10 2015 005579 0]
BORDINI, Rafael H; FAGUNDES, Moser S.; HILGERT, Lucas W.; MENEGUZZI, F. R.; VIEIRA, Renata. Método Para Inserir Código em Programa com Linguagem de Programação Lógica Utilizando Ontologias. Deposited 2014.
[BR 10 2014 004209 1]
FAGUNDES, Moser S.; BORDINI, Rafael H; MENEGUZZI, F. R.; VIEIRA, Renata; HILGERT, Lucas W. Método Para Estimar o Tempo Esperado Para o Reconhecimento de Plano. Deposited 2014.
[BR 10 2014 009861 5]
SILVA, Ana Cristina Benso da; OLIVEIRA, João Batista Souza de; MENEGUZZI, F. R.; MEIRELLES, Leonardo Luceiro. Data Processing System and Method. 2005.
[WO2005109230] [WO2005109231] [US20080201328] [Google Patents]

Archived Software and Datasets

STEINERT, Maurício; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. WikiHow Planning recipes Dataset: Code companion for KEPS 2020. [dataset] Zenodo, 2020. [DOI] [BibTeX]
LICKS, Gabriel Paludo; COUTO, Julia Colleoni; MIEHE, Priscilla de Fátima; DE PARIS, Renata; Ruiz, Duncan D.; and MENEGUZZI Felipe. Code companion to the paper: SMARTIX: A database indexing agent based on reinforcement learning. [software] Zenodo, 2019.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
PEREIRA, Ramon F.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe Goal and plan recognition datasets using classical planning domains. [dataset] Zenodo, 2017.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
HEINSFELD, Anibal S.; FRANCO, Alexandre; Buchweitz, Augusto; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Code companion to Neuroimage: Clinical submission [software] Zenodo, 2017.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MENEGUZZI, Felipe; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; GIROLETI Fernando F.; KRZISCH, Guilherme; and MAGNAGUAGNO, Mauricio. JavaGP: Version 1.1 Release 1. [software] Zenodo, 2017.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MENEGUZZI, Felipe; RODRIGUES, Odinaldo; OREN, Nir; VASCONCELOS, Wamberto; and LUCK, Michael. nu-BDI: Norm-driven BDI interpreter. [software] Zenodo, 2017.
WESZ, Rodrigo; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. JaCaROS: CArtAgO Artifacts for ROS Integration. [Data set] Zenodo, 2015.
AIRES, João Paulo; PINHEIRO, Daniele; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Norm Dataset: Dataset with Norms and Norm Conflicts. [Data set] Zenodo, 2017.

Books and Chapters

VERED, Mor; MIRSKY, Reuth; FRAGA PEREIRA, Ramon; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Advances in Goal, Plan and Activity Recognition. Special Issue of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, vol 5, 2022.
[Frontiers] [BibTeX]
TUBELLA, Andrea Aler; CRANEFIELD, Stephen; FRANTZ Christopher; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and VASCONCELOS, Wamberto. Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XIII: International Workshops COIN 2017 and COINE 2020, Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 8-9, 2017 and Virtual Event, May 9, 2020, Revised Selected Papers.
[Springer] [BibTeX]
AIRES, João Paulo; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Norm Conflict Identification Using a Convolutional Neural Network. In: Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XIII, Springer, 2021.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MÓRE, Martin D.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Chapter: Web Planner: A Tool to Develop, Visualize and Test Classical Planning Domains. In "Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques for AI Planning", 2020.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
DE SILVA, Lavindra; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SANDERSON, David; CHAPLIN, Jack; BAKKER, Otto; ANTZOULATOS, Nikolas and RATCHEV, Svetan. Interfacing BDI Agent Systems with Geometric Reasoning for Robotics and Manufacturing, In Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, Volume 640 of the series Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, 2016.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
KOCH, Fernando; MENEGUZZI, Felipe and LAKKARAJU, Kiran. Agent Technology for Intelligent Mobile Services and Smart Societies: Workshop on Collaborative Agents, Research and Development, CARE 2014, and Workshop on Agents, Virtual Societies and Analytics, AVSA 2014, Held as Part of AAMAS 2014, Paris, France, May 5-9, 2014. Revised Selected Papers. Springer, 2015.
[Springer] [BibTeX]
OH, Jean; MENEGUZZI, Felipe and SYCARA, Katia. Chapter 11: Probabilistic Plan Recognition for Proactive Assistant Agents. In: Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition: Theory and Practice, 1st Edition, Ed. Gita Sukthankar, Robert P. Goldman, Christopher Geib, David V. Pynadath, Hung and Hai Bui. Elsevier, 2014.
[Elsevier] [BibTeX]
LUCK, Michael; MAHMOUD, Samhar; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; KOLLINGBAUM, Martin; NORMAN, Timothy J.; CRIADO, Natalia; SILVA FAGUNDES, Moser. Normative Agents. In: Agreement Technologies, Ed. Sascha Ossowski. Springer, 2013.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MILES, Simon; OREN, Nir; LUCK, Michael; MODGIL, Sanjay; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; FACI, Nora; HOLT, Camden; VICKERS, Gary. Electronic Business Contracts between Services, in Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications, published by IGI Global, 2010.
[PDF] [BibTeX]

Journal Articles and Preprints

NAGERIS, Ben; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and MIRSKY, Reuth. Goal Recognition using Actor-Critic Optimization. ArXiv, 2024.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
FLECK JR., Marcos A.; PEREIRA, Elisa G.; GAVA, Jonas F.; SILVA, Henrique B.; MORAES, Fernando G.; CALAZANS, Ney L. V.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; BASTOS, Rodrigo P.; REIS, Ricardo A. L.; OST, Luciano; GARIBOTTI, Rafael. Assessment of Radiation-Induced Soft Error on Unmanned Surface Vehicles. In IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol 71, issue 8, 2024.
[IEEE] [BibTeX]
PEREIRA, Ramon F.; FUGGITTI, F.; MENEGUZZI, F.; and DE GIACOMO, G.M. Temporally extended goal recognition in fully observable non-deterministic domain models. Applied Intelligence, 2023.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and DE SILVA, Lavindra. HyperTensioN and Total-order Forward Decomposition optimizations. ArXiv, 2022.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
CARDOSO Rafael C.; LOGAN, Brian; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; Nir, OREN; and YUN, Bruno. Resilience, reliability, and coordination in autonomous multi-agent systems. AI Communications, 2022.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
DA SILVA, Laura T.; ESPER, Nathalia B.; RUIZ, Duncan D.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BUCHWEITZ, Augusto. Visual Explanation for Identification of the Brain Bases for Developmental Dyslexia on fMRI Data. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2021.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
The Brainhack Community Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience. Neuron, Cell Press, 2021.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
BALLESTER, Pedro L.; DA SILVA, Laura Tomaz; MARCON, Matheus; ESPER, Nathalia Bianchini; FREY, Benicio N; BUCHWEITZ, Augusto; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Predicting brain age at slice level: convolutional neural networks and consequences for interpretability. Frontiers in Psychiatry, section Neuroimaging and Stimulation, 2020.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
PEREIRA, Ramon F.; OREN, Nir; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Landmark-based approaches for goal recognition as planning. Artificial Intelligence, vol 279, 2020.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
PEREIRA, Ramon F.; OREN, Nir; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Using Sub-Optimal Plan Detection to Identify Commitment Abandonment in Discrete Environments. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, vol 11:2, 2020.
[DOI] [PDF] [ACM] [BibTeX]
LICKS, Gabriel P.; COUTO, Julia Mara C.; MIEHE, Priscilla d. F.; de PARIS, Renata; RUIZ, Duncan D.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. SMARTIX: A database indexing agent based on reinforcement learning. Applied Intelligence, 2020.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
DA SILVA, Laura; ESPER, Nathalia; RUIZ, Duncan; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BUCHWEITZ, Augusto. Visual Explanation for Identification of the Brain Bases for Dyslexia on fMRI Data, in arXiv, 2020.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
AIRES, João Paulo; GRANADA, Roger; MONTEIRO, Juarez; BARROS, Rodrigo C.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Classifying Norm Conflicts using Learned Semantic Representations. in arXiv, 2019.
[arXiv] [PDF] [BibTeX]
MENEGUZZI, F.; MAGNAGUAGNO, M. C.; SINGH, Munindar; TELANG, Pankaj; and YORKE-SMITH, Neil. GoCo: Planning Expressive Commitment Protocols. Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, vol 32:4, pp 459–502, 2018.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
AMADO, Leonardo; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Q-Table compression for reinforcement learning. The Knowledge Engineering Review, vol 33, e22, 2018.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
GRANADA, Roger; AIRES, João Paulo; MONTEIRO, Juarez; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BARROS, Rodrigo C.. Improving Action Recognition using Temporal Regions. In Journal of Information and Data Management, to appear, 2018.
[PDF] [BibTeX]
CARDOSO, Rafael C.; FRAGA PEREIRA, Ramon; KRZISCH, Guilherme; MAGNAGUAGNO, MaurÍcio C.; BASÉGIO, Túlio; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Team PUCRS: a Decentralised Multi-Agent Solution for the Agents in the City Scenario. Int. J. of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, vol 6:1, pp3-34, 2018.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
HEINSFELD, Aníbal Sólon; FRANCO, Alexandre Rosa; CRADDOCK, R. Cameron; BUCHWEITZ, Augusto; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Identification of autism spectrum disorder using deep learning and the ABIDE dataset. Neuroimage: Clinical, vol 17, pp 16-23, 2018.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
AIRES, João Paulo; PINHEIRO, Daniele; DE LIMA, Vera Lúcia Strube. Norm Conflict Identification in Contracts. Artificial Intelligence and Law, vol 24:4, pp 397--428, 2017.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe. BioPlan: Classical Planning with Crowd simulation. SBC Journal on Interactive Systems, vol 8:1, pp 48--59, 2017.
[UFRGS] [PDF] [BibTeX]
FARIAS, Giovani P.; FRAGA PEREIRA, Ramon; HILGERT Lucas W.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata; and BORDINI, Rafael H. Predicting Plan Failure by Monitoring Action Sequences and Duration. Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal vol 6:1, p. 71-84, 2017.
[DOI] [PDF] [BibTeX]
FREITAS, Artur; PANISSON, Alison R.; HILGERT, Lucas; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata; and BORDINI, Rafael H.. Applying ontologies to the development and execution of Multi-Agent Systems. Web Intelligence, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 291-302, 2017.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
FRAGA PEREIRA, Ramon; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Landmark-based Plan Recognition, in arXiv, 2016.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
CRADDOCK, R. Cameron; MARGULIES, Daniel S.; BELLEC, Pierre; NOLAN NICHOLS, B.; ALCAUTER, Sarael; A. BARRIOS, Fernando; BURNOD, Yves; CANNISTRACI, Christopher J.; COHEN-ADAD, Julien; DE LEENER, Benjamin; DERY, Sebastien; DOWNAR, Jonathan; DUNLOP, Katharine; R. FRANCO, Alexandre; SELIGMAN FROEHLICH, Caroline; GERBER, Andrew J.; S. GHOSH, Satrajit; GRABOWSKI, Thomas J.; HILL, Sean; HEINSFELD, Anibal Sólon; HUTCHISON, R. Matthew; KUNDU, Prantik; LAIRD, Angela R.; LIEW, Sook-Lei; LURIE, Daniel J.; MCLAREN, Donald G.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; MENNES, Maarten; MESMOUDI, Salma; O'CONNOR, David; PASAYE, Erick H.; PELTIER, Scott; POLINE, Jean-Baptiste; PRASAD, Gautam; FRAGA PEREIRA, Ramon; QUIRION, Pierre-Olivier; ROKEM, Ariel; SAAD, Ziad S.; SHI, Yonggang; STROTHER, Stephen C.; TORO, Roberto; UDDIN, Lucina Q.; VAN HORN, John D.; VAN METER, John W. ; WELSH, Robert C.; and XU, Ting Brainhack: a collaborative workshop for the open neuroscience community, in GigaScience, Vol. 5(1):1--8, 2016.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
FRAGA PEREIRA, Ramon; HEINSFELD, Anibal Sólon; FRANCO, Alexandre; BUCHWEITZ, Augusto; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Detecting task-based fMRI compliance using plan abandonment techniques in GigaScience, Vol. 5(1):21--22, 2016.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
HEINSFELD, Anibal Sólon; FRANCO, Alexandre; BUCHWEITZ, Augusto; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. NeuroView: a customizable browser-base utility in GigaScience, Vol. 5(1):25--25, 2016.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MENEGUZZI, Felipe; RODRIGUES, Odinaldo; VASCONCELOS, Wamberto; OREN, Nir; and LUCK, Michael. BDI reasoning with normative considerations, in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 43, pp 127–146, 2015.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MENEGUZZI, Felipe and DE SILVA, Lavindra. Planning in BDI Agents: A survey of the integration of planning algorithms and agent reasoning, In The Knowledge Engineering Review (KER), Vol. 30:1, 2015.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MODGIL, Sanjay; OREN, Nir; FACI, Noura; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; MILES, Simon and Luck, Michael. Monitoring compliance with E-contracts and norms, In Artificial Intelligence and Law, Vol. 1, 2015.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
OH, Jean; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SYCARA, Katia and NORMAN, Timothy J. Prognostic normative reasoning, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MENEGUZZI, Felipe and LUCK, Michael. Declarative planning in procedural agent architectures, In Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), Vol. 40:16, 2013.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
MENEGUZZI, Felipe; MODGIL, Sanjay; OREN, Nir; MILES, Simon; LUCK, Michael; FACI, Noura. Applying electronic contracting to the aerospace aftercare domain, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 25(7): 1471-1487, 2012.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
AZEVEDO, Roger; BISWAS, Gautam; BOHUS, Dan; CARMICHAEL, Ted; FINLAYSON, Mark A.; HADZIKADIC, Mirsad; HAVASI, Catherine; HORVITZ, Eric; KANDA, Takayuki; KOYEJO, Oluwasanmi; LAWLESS, William F.; LENAT, Douglas B.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; MUTLU, Bilge; OH, Jean; PIRRONE, Roberto; RAUX, Antoine; SOFGE, Donald A.; SUKTHANKAR, Gita; VAN DURME, Benjamin Reports of the AAAI 2010 Fall Symposia. AI Magazine 32(1): 93-100, 2011.
[PDF] [BibTeX]
MENEGUZZI, F. R.; ZORZO, Avelino Francisco; MÓRA, Michael da Costa; LUCK, Michael M.. Incorporating Planning into BDI Agents. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, v. 8, 2007.
[PDF] [BibTeX]

Conference Papers


MENEGUZZI, Felipe; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; and OREN, Nir. Generalised BDI Planning. In 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Detroit, USA, 2025.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]


ICHIDA, Alexandre Y.; CARDOSO, Rafael C.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. BDI Agents in Natural Language Environments. In 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Auckland, New Zealand, 2024.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]
PEREIRA, Ramon F.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Empowering BDI Agents with Generalised Decision-Making. In 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Auckland, New Zealand, 2024.
Winner of Best Blue-Sky Paper.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]
AMADO, Leonardo; SHAINKOPF, Sveta P; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MIRSKY, Reuth; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. A Survey on Model-Free Goal Recognition. In 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Jeju Island, South Korea, 2024.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]
TESCH, Douglas; AMADO, Leonardo; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Real-time goal recognition using approximations in Euclidean space. In 27th European Conference On Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2024.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]
GAVENSKI, Nathan; MONTEIRO, Juarez; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; LUCK, Michael; and RODRIGUES, Odinaldo. Explorative Imitation Learning: A Path Signature Approach for Continuous Environments. In 27th European Conference On Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2024.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]
XU, Mengwei; LUMLEY, Tom; PEREIRA, Ramon Fraga; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. A Practical Operational Semantics for Classical Planning in BDI Agents. In 27th European Conference On Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2024.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]


AMADO, Leonardo R.; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Robust Neuro-Symbolic Goal and Plan Recognition. In 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Washington D.C, USA, 2023.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]
DANN, Michael; YAO, Yuan; ALECHINA, Natasha; LOGAN, Brian; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and THANGARAJAH, John. Multi-Agent Intention Recognition and Progression. In 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Macau, China, 2023.
[PDF] [BibTeX]
MONTEIRO, Juarez; GAVENSKI, Nathan; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BARROS, Rodrigo. Self-supervised Adversarial Imitation Learning. In Proceedings of the 36th International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Gold Coast, Australia, 2023.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Video]
ICHIDA, Alexandre Yukio; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Modeling a Conversational Agent using BDI Framework. In Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), Talinn, Estonia, 2023.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
PUTRICH, Victor S.; TAVARES, Anderson; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. A Monte Carlo Algorithm for Time-Constrained General Game Playing. In Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2023.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]


AMADO, Leonardo R.; MIRSKY, Reuth; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Goal Recognition as Reinforcement Learning. In 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Worldwide, 2022.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]
AMADO, Leonardo R.; MIRSKY, Reuth; MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Learning Goal Recognition Models using Human Examples. In Workshop on Human-Interactive Robot Learning (HIRL), 2022.
[PDF] [BibTeX]
COLLEONI COUTO, Julia; TOMAZ, Laura; GODOY, Julia; KNIEST, Davi; CALLEGARI, Daniel; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and RUIZ, Duncan. On the use of Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Text Similarity and Categorization and its Application to Troubleshooting Automation.. In the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2022.
[PDF] [BibTeX]


MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and PEREIRA, Ramon F. A Survey on Goal Recognition as Planning. In 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Montreal, Canada, 2021.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
SANTOS, Luísa R. de A.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; PEREIRA, Ramon F. and PEREIRA, André. An LP-Based Approach for Goal Recognition as Planning. In 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Worldwide, 2021.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]
AMADO, Leonardo R.; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Combining LSTMs and Symbolic Approaches for Robust Plan Recognition. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), London, England, 2021.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Poster]
BIANCHINI ESPER, Katherine; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Automated design of fMRI paradigms. In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Guangzhou, China, 2021.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
PEREIRA, Ramon F.; OREN, Nir; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Landmark-based approaches for goal recognition as planning. In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Guangzhou, China, 2021.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]


DE SILVA, Lavindra; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and LOGAN, Brian. BDI Agent Architectures: A Survey. In 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Yokohama, Japan, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Poster]
MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Semantic Attachments for HTN Planning. In 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New York, USA, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and DE SILVA, Lavindra. HyperTensioN: A three-stage compiler for planning. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Nancy, France, 2020.
Winner of the 2020 International Planning Competition [PDF] [BibTeX]
GAVENSKI, Nathan; MONTEIRO, Juarez; GRANADA, Roger; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BARROS, Rodrigo. Imitating Unknown Policies via Exploration. In 31st British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Manchester, UK, 2020.
[PDF] [ArXiv] [BibTeX] [Slides] [Video]
GUSMÃO, Kin Max P.; PEREIRA, Ramon F; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. The More the Merrier?! Evaluating the Effect of Landmark Extraction Algorithms on Landmark-Based Goal Recognition. In the AAAI 2020 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR), New York, USA, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
AMADO, Leonardo R.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. LatRec: Recognizing Goals in Latent Space (Student Poster). In 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New York, USA, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
AMADO, Leonardo R.; LICKS, Gabriel P.; MARCON, Matheus; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Using Self-Attention LSTMs to Enhance Observations in Goal Recognition. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Glasgow, Scotland, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
MONTEIRO, Juarez; GAVENSKI, Nathan; GRANADA, Roger; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BARROS, Rodrigo. Augmented Behavioral Cloning from Observation . In Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Glasgow, Scotland, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
KUINCHTNER, Daniela; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SALES, Afonso. A Tensor-based Markov Decision Process Representation. In Proceedings of the 19th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI), Mexico DF, Mexico, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
GRANADA, Roger; MONTEIRO, Juarez; GAVENSKI, Nathan; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Object-Based Goal Recognition Using Real-World Data. In Proceedings of the 19th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI), Mexico DF, Mexico, 2020.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
LICKS, Gabriel P.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Automated Database Indexing Using Model-Free Reinforcement Learning. In 2020 Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop (SPARK@ICAPS), Nancy, France, 2020
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
STEINERT, Maurício; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Planning Domain Generation from Natural Language Step-by-Step Instructions. In 2020 Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS@ICAPS), Nancy, France, 2020
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]


PEREIRA, Ramon. F.; PEREIRA, André G.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Landmark-Enhanced Heuristics for Goal Recognition in Incomplete Domain Models. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Berkeley, USA, 2019.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
PEREIRA, Ramon. F.; VERED, Mor; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; RAMIREZ, Miquel. Online Probabilistic Goal Recognition over Nominal Models. In Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Macau, China, 2019.
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AMADO, Leonardo R.; AIRES, João Paulo; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; GRANADA, Roger L.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe. An LSTM-Based Approach for Goal Recognition in Latent Space. In the AAAI 2019 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR), Honolulu, USA, 2019.
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AIRES, João Paulo; GRANADA, Roger L.; MONTEIRO, Juarez; BARROS, Rodrigo C.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Classification of Contractual Conflicts via Learning of Semantic Representations. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Montreal, Canada, 2019.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; PEREIRA, André G.; PEREIRA, Ramon. F.. Robust Goal Recognition with Operator-Counting Heuristics. In ICAPS 2019 Workshop on Explainable AI Planning (XAIP@ICAPS), Berkeley, USA, 2019.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides] [ArXiv]
MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; MENEGUZZI, Felipe. HTN Planning with Semantic Attachments. In 2nd ICAPS 2019 Workshop on Hierarchical Planning (HPW@ICAPS), Berkeley, USA, 2019.
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PEREIRA, Ramon. F.; VERED, Mor; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; RAMIREZ, Miquel. Goal Recognition over Nominal Models. In ICAPS 2019 Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob@ICAPS), Berkeley, USA, 2019.
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NEUHAUS, Priscilla; COUTO, Julia; WEHRMANN, Jonatas; RUIZ, Duncan; MENEGUZZI, Felipe. GADIS: A Genetic Algorithm for Database Index Selection. In the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
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STEINERT, Maurício; GRANADA, Roger; AIRES, João Paulo; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Automating News Summarization with Sentence Vectors Offset. In the 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), Salvador, Bahia, 2019.
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DE SILVA, Lavindra; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and LOGAN, Brian. An Operational Semantics for a Fragment of PRS. In Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Stockholm, Sweden, 2018.
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AIRES, João Paulo; GRANADA, Roger Leitzke; MONTEIRO, Juarez; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Norm Conflict Identification using Vector Space Offsets. In Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018.
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AMADO, Leonardo R.; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; AIRES, João Paulo; MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; GRANADA, Roger Leitzke; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Goal Recognition in Latent Space. In Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018.
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AIRES, João Paulo; PADILHA, Carlos A.; QUEVEDO, Christian V.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. A Deep Learning Approach to Classify Aspect-Level Sentiment using Small Datasets. In Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018.
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ICHIDA, Alexandre; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and RUIZ, Duncan D. A.. Measuring Semantic Similarity Between Sentences Using a Siamese Neural Network. In Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018.
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PEREIRA, Ramon; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Goal Recognition in Incomplete Domain Models. In Proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New Orleans, USA, 2018.
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PEREIRA, Ramon; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Goal Recognition in Incomplete STRIPS Domain Models. In AAAI 2018 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR), New Orleans, USA, 2018.
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VERED, Mor; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; KAMINKA, Gal; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Online Goal Recognition as Reasoning over Landmarks. In AAAI 2018 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR), New Orleans, USA, 2018.
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VERED, Mor; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; KAMINKA, Gal; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Towards Online Goal Recognition Combining Goal Mirroring and Landmarks. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Stockholm, Sweden, 2018.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; and OREN, Nir. Sensor Placement for Plan Monitoring using Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA), Tokyo, Japan, 2018.
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AMADO, Leonardo R.; AIRES, João Paulo;PEREIRA, Ramon; MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; GRANADA, Roger Leitzke; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. LSTM-Based Goal Recognition in Latent Space. In ICML / IJCAI / AAMAS 2018 Workshop on Planning and Learning (PAL-18), Stockholm, Sweden, 2018.
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MONTEIRO, Juarez; GRANADA, Roger; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BARROS, Rodrigo C.. Using Scene Context to Improve Action Recognition. In Proceedings of the 23rd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), Madrid, Spain, 2018.
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PEREIRA, Ramon F.; OREN, Nir; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Landmark-Based Heuristics for Goal Recognition. In Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2017.
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PEREIRA, Ramon F.; OREN, Nir; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Monitoring Plan Optimality using Landmarks and Domain-Independent Heuristics. In AAAI 2017 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2017.
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GRANADA, Roger L.; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MONTEIRO, Juarez; BARROS, Rodrigo; RUIZ, Duncan; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Hybrid Activity and Plan Recognition for Video Streams. In AAAI 2017 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2017.
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PEREIRA, Ramon F.; OREN, Nir; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Detecting Commitment Abandonment by Monitoring Plan Execution. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), São Paulo, Brazil, 2017.
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AIRES, João Paulo; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. A Deep Learning Approach for Norm Conflict Identification. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), São Paulo, Brazil, 2017.
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GRANADA, Roger L.; MONTEIRO, Juarez; BARROS, Rodrigo; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. A Deep Neural Architecture for Kitchen Activity Recognition. In Proceedings of the 30th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS), Marco Island, FL, USA, 2017.
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CHANG, Stephan; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Forecasting demand with limited information using Gradient Tree Boosting. In Proceedings of the 30th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS), Marco Island, FL, USA, 2017.
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AMADO, Leonardo; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Q-Table compression for reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the 30th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS), Marco Island, FL, USA, 2017.
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MONTEIRO, Juarez; AIRES, João Paulo; GRANADA, Roger; BARROS, Rodrigo and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Virtual Guide Dog: An Application to Support Visually-Impaired People through Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Anchorage, AK, USA.
Won best student paper of IJCNN 2017.
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MONTEIRO, Juarez; GRANADA, Roger; BARROS, Rodrigo and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Deep Neural Networks for Kitchen Activity Recognition. In Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Anchorage, AK, USA.
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MONTEIRO, Juarez; AIRES, João Paulo; GRANADA, Roger; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BARROS, Rodrigo. Temporal Regions for Activity Recognition. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy.
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PEREIRA, Ramon F.; OREN, Nir; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. A Plan Optimality Monitoring Approach to Detect Commitment Abandonment. In 2017 International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN@AAMAS), São Paulo, Brazil, 2017.
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AIRES, João Paulo; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Norm Conflict Identification using Deep Learning. In 2017 International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN@AAMAS), São Paulo, Brazil, 2017.
Recognised as one of the visionary workshop papers of AAMAS 2017.
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KRZISCH, Guilherme; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe Planning in a Normative System. In 2017 International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN@AAMAS), São Paulo, Brazil, 2017.
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KRZISCH, Guilherme; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe Norm Identification in Jason using a Bayesian Approach. In 18th Workshop on Multi-agent-based Simulation (MABS@AAMAS), São Paulo, Brazil, 2017.
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AMADO, Leonardo Rosa; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe Reinforcement learning applied to RTS games. In 2017 Workshop on Adaptive Learning Agents (ALA@AAMAS), São Paulo, Brazil, 2017.
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MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MÓRE, Martin D.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. WEB PLANNER: A Tool to Develop Classical Planning Domains and Visualize Heuristic State-Space Search. In 2017 Workshop on User Interfaces and Scheduling and Planning (UISP@ICAPS), Pittsburgh, USA, 2017.
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MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Method Composition through Operator Pattern Identification. In 2017 Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS@ICAPS), Pittsburgh, USA, 2017.
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KRZISCH, Guilherme; OREN, Nir; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe Bounded-Monitor Placement in Normative Environments. In 2017 International Workshop on Linked Democracy: Artificial Intelligence for Democratic Innovation (LinkedDem@IJCAI), Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
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VERED, Mor; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; KAMINKA, Gal; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Online Goal Recognition Combining Landmarks and Planning. In 5th Goal Reasoning Workshop (GRW@IJCAI), Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
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RUBIN, Gabriel; PAZ, Bruno; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe Optimizing UCT for Settlers of Catan. In XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), Curitiba, Brazil, 2017.
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AIRES, João Paulo; MONTEIRO, Juarez; GRANADA, Roger; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BARROS, Rodrigo.Improving Activity Recognition using Temporal Regions. 2017 Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning (KDMiLe), Uberlandia, Brazil, 2017.
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CRANEFIELD, Stephen; Meneguzzi, Felipe; OREN, Nir; SAVARIMUTHU, Bastin T. R.. A Bayesian approach to norm identification. In 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), The Hague, Netherlands, 2016.
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FRAGA PEREIRA, Ramon; Meneguzzi, Felipe. Landmark-based Plan Recognition. In 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), The Hague, Netherlands, 2016.
[PDF (IOS Press)] [PDF] [BibTeX]
MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. DOVETAIL - An abstraction for Classical Planning using a Visual Metaphor, In 29th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS), Key Largo, USA (FLAIRS), Key Largo, USA, 2016.
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MACHADO, Leticia; Meneguzzi; Felipe; PRIKLADNICKI, Rafael; DE SOUZA, Cleidson; and CARMEL, Erran. Task Allocation for Crowdsourcing using AI Planning In 3rd International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE), Austin, Texas, USA, 2016
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SCHMIDT, Daniela; PANISSON, Alison; FREITAS, Artur; BORDINI, Rafael; MENEGUZZI, Felipe and VIEIRA, Renata. An Ontology-based Mobile Application for Task Managing in Collaborative Groups, In 29th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS), Key Largo, USA, 2016.
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MORAES, Silvia M. W.; SANTOS, André L. L.; REDECKER, Matheus; MACHADO, Rackel M.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Comparing Approaches to Subjectivity Classification: a Study on Portuguese Tweets, In 12th International Conference on the Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, Tomar, Portugal, 2016.
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FARIAS, Giovani; PEREIRA, Ramon F.; HILGERT, Lucas; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata and BORDINI, Rafael. Failure Prediction based on Monitoring Sequences of Actions and Action Duration, In 10th Software Agents, Environments and Applications School (WESAAC), Maceio, Brazil, 2016.
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FARIAS, Giovani; HILGERT, Lucas; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and BORDINI, Rafael. Evaluating the SBR Algorithm using Automatically Generated Plan Libraries, In 2016 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), Recife, Brazil, 2016.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; TELANG, Pankaj R. and YORKE-SMITH, Neil. Towards Planning Uncertain Commitment Protocols, In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.
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CRANEFIELD, Stephen; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; OREN, Nir and SAVARIMUTHU, Tony. A Bayesian approach to norm identification, In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.
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DE SILVA, Lavindra; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SANDERSON, David; CHAPLIN, Jack; BAKKER, Otto; ANTZOULATOS, Nikolas and RATCHEV, Svetan. Interfacing BDI Agent Systems with Geometric Reasoning for Robotics and Manufacturing, In International Workshop on Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing (SOHOMA’15), Cambridge, UK.
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CRANEFIELD, Stephen; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; OREN, Nir and SAVARIMUTHU, Tony. A Bayesian approach to norm identification, University of Otago Technical Report, Otago, New Zealand, 2015.
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FROEHLICH, Caroline; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; FRANCO, Alexandre R.; DRESCH, Luiz and BUCHWEITZ, Augusto. Identifying the neural representation of word reading in children diagnosed with dyslexia, In 2015 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2015.
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CHANG, Stephan and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Simulating Normative Behaviour in Multi-Agent Environments using Monitoring Artefacts, In 17th International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN 2015) @AAMAS, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.
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PANISSON, Alison; FREITAS, Artur; SCHMIDT, Daniela; HILGERT, Lucas; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata and BORDINI, Rafael. Arguing About Task Reallocation Using Ontological Information in Multi-Agent Systems, In 12th International Workshop on Argumentation in Multiagent Systems (ArgMAS 2015) @ AAMAS, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.
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DE SILVA, Lavindra and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. On the Design of Symbolic-Geometric Online Planning Systems, In Workshop on Hybrid Reasoning (HR 2015) @ IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015.
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AIRES, João Paulo; STRUBE DE LIMA, Vera Lúcia and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Identifying Potential Conflicts between Norms in Contracts, In 18th International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN 2015) @IJCAI, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015.
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LI, Jiaqi; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; FAGUNDES, Moser and LOGAN, Brian. Reinforcement Learning of Normative Monitoring Intensities, In 18th International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN 2015) @IJCAI, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015.
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MORAIS, Márcio; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; BORDINI, Rafael and AMORY, Alexandre. Distributed Fault Diagnosis for Multiple Mobile Robots Using an Agent Programming Language, In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2015), Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.
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FREITAS, Artur; HILGERT, Lucas; MARCZAK, Sabrina; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; BORDINI, Rafael H. and VIEIRA, Renata. A Multi-Agent Systems Engineering Tool based on Ontologies, In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Stockholm, Sweden, 2015.
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FREITAS, Artur; PANISSON, Alison R.; HILGERT, Lucas; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata; and BORDINI, Rafael H.. Integrating Ontologies with Multi-Agent Systems through CArtAgO Artifacts, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT), Singapore, 2015.
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FARIAS, Giovani; HILGERT, Lucas; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata; and BORDINI, Rafael H.. Automatic Generation of Plan Libraries for Plan Recognition Performance Evaluation, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT), Singapore, 2015.
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PANISSON, Alison; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata; and BORDINI, Rafael H.. Towards Practical Argumentation-Based Dialogues in Multi-Agent Systems, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT), Singapore, 2015.
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SCHMIDT, Daniela; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; and VIEIRA, Renata. Task ontology for collaborative multi-agent systems, Proceedings of the 2015 Brazilian Ontology Research Seminar (ONTOBRAS), São Paulo, Brazil, 2015.
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PEREIRA, Ramon F.; MAGNAGUAGNO, Maurício C.; HEINSFELD, Aníbal S.; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. LOCUS: An environment description language for JASON, 9th Software Agents, Environments and Applications School (WESAAC), Niterói, Brazil, 2015.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; LOGAN, Brian and FAGUNDES, Moser. Norm monitoring with asymmetric information, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Paris, France, 2014.
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FAGUNDES, Moser; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; BORDINI, Rafael and VIEIRA, Renata. Dealing with ambiguity in plan recognition under time constraints, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Paris, France, 2014.
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PANISSON, Alison; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; FAGUNDES, Moser; VIEIRA, Renata and BORDINI, Rafael. Formal Semantics of Speech Acts for Argumentative Dialogues, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Paris, France, 2014.
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FAGUNDES, Moser; OSSOWSKI, Sascha; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Analyzing the tradeoff between efficiency and cost of norm enforcement in stochastic environments populated with self-interested agents, In Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.
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ALRAWAGFEH, Wagdi and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Utilizing Permission Norms in BDI Practical Normative Reasoning, In 16th International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN 2014) @AAMAS, Paris, France, 2014.
[Springer][PDF] [BibTeX] [Slides]
PANISSON, Alison; FARIAS, Giovani; FREITAS, Artur; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata and BORDINI, Rafael. Planning Interactions for Agents in Argumentation-Based Negotiation, In 11th International Workshop on Argumentation in Multiagent Systems (ArgMAS 2014) @ AAMAS, Paris, France, 2014.
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PANISSON, Alison; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata and BORDINI, Rafael. An Approach for Argumentation-based Reasoning Using Defeasible Logic in Multi-Agent Programming Languages, In 11th International Workshop on Argumentation in Multiagent Systems (ArgMAS 2014) @ AAMAS, Paris, France, 2014.
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FREITAS, Artur; SCHMIDT, Daniela, PANISSON, Alison; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata and BORDINI, Rafael. Semantic Representations of Agent Plans and Planning Problem Domains, In 2nd Workshop on Engineering Multiagent Systems (EMAS 2014) @ AAMAS, Paris, France, 2014.
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FREITAS, Artur; SCHMIDT, Daniela, PANISSON, Alison MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata and BORDINI, Rafael. Integrating Multi-Agent Systems in JaCaMo using a Semantic Representations, In 5th International Workshop on Collaborative Agents – Research & Development (CARE 2014) @ AAMAS, Paris, France, 2014.
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FAGUNDES, Moser; OSSOWSKI, Sascha; and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Imperfect norm enforcement in stochastic environments: an analysis of efficiency and cost tradeoffs, In Proceedings of the 14th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA), Santiago, Chile, 2014.
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MARTINS, Rodrigo and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. A Smart Home Model Using JaCaMo Framework, In 12th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, 2014.
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FROEHLICH, Caroline; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; FRANCO, Alexandre R. and BUCHWEITZ, Augusto. Classifying Brain States for Cognitive Tasks: a Functional MRI Study in Children with Reading Impairments, In Proceedings of the 24th Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering (CBEB), Uberlándia, MG, Brazil, 2014.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; TELANG, Pankaj and SINGH, Munindar P. A First-Order Formalization of Commitments and Goals, In Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Bellevue, WA, USA, 2013.
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TELANG, Pankaj; MENEGUZZI, Felipe and SINGH, Munindar P. Hierarchical Planning about Goals and Commitments, In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Saint Paul, MN, USA, 2013.
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KANNAN, Balajee; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SYCARA, Katia; GNEGY, Chet; GLASGOW, Evan Donald and YORDANOV, Piotr. Predictive Indoor Navigation using Commercial Smart-phones, In: 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2013.
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OREN, Nir and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Norm Identification through Plan Recognition, In 15th International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms (COIN 2013) @AAMAS, Saint Paul, MN, USA, 2013.
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MARTINS, Rodrigo and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. A Smart Home model to Demand Side Management, In Workshop on Collaborative Online Organizations (COOS'13) @AAMAS, Saint Paul, MN, USA, 2013.
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LUZ, Bernardo; MENEGUZZI, Felipe and VICCARI, Rosa. Alternatives to Threshold-Based Desire Selection in Bayesian BDI Agents, In Workshop on Engineering Multiagent Systems (EMAS'13) @AAMAS, Saint Paul, MN, USA, 2013.
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MAISSIAT, Jiéverson and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Adaptive High-Level Strategy Learning in StarCraft, In XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), São Paulo, Brazil, 2013.
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FAGUNDES, Moser Silva; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VIEIRA, Renata and BORDINI, Rafael; Interaction Patterns in a MAS Organisation to Support Shared Tasks, In The Eighth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT'13), Annecy, France, 2013.
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FREITAS, Artur; BORDINI, Rafael; MENEGUZZI, Felipe and VIEIRA, Renata; Towards Integrating Ontologies in Multi-Agent Programming Platforms, In The 2013 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), Atlanta, USA, 2013.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; VASCONCELOS, Wamberto; OREN, Nir; and LUCK, Michael. Nu-BDI: Norm-aware BDI Agents, in Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, Dublin, Ireland.
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SENSOY, Murat; FOKOUE, Achille; SRIVATSA, Mudhakar and MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Using Subjective Logic to Handle Uncertainty and Conflicts, in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2012), Liverpool, UK, 2012.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; OH, Jean; CHAKRABORTY, Nilanjan; SYCARA, Katia; MEHROTRA, Siddharth; TITTLE, James and LEWIS, Michael. A cognitive architecture for emergency response, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Valencia, Spain, 2012.
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FOKOUE, Achille; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SENSOY, Murat and PAN, Jeff Z. Querying Linked Ontological Data through Distributed Summarization, in Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Toronto, Canada, 2012.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [IBM Report RC 25278]
OH, Jean; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SYCARA, Katia and NORMAN, Timothy J. Introduction to Prognostic Normative Reasoning, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7068, 2012.
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TANG, Yuqing; SENSOY, Murat; FOKOUE, Achille; PAN, Jeff; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SRIVATSA, Mudhakar and SYCARA, Katia. Towards Presenting Relevant Facts and Answers on Inconsistent and Uncertain Knowledge, in The Sixth Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, Southampton, UK, 2012.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; KANNAN, Balajee; SYCARA, Katia; DIAS, M Bernardine; GNEGY, Chet; GLASGOW, Evan Donald and YORDANOV, Piotr. Proactive Indoor Navigation on Mobile Devices, tech. report CMU-RI-TR-11-37, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, December, 2011.
[PDF] [BibTeX] [Tech Report]
MENEGUZZI, Felipe; TANG, Yuqing; SYCARA, Katia and PARSONS, Simon. An approach to generate MDPs using HTN representations, in Decision Making in Partially Observable, Uncertain Worlds: Exploring Insights from Multiple Communities (DMPOUW), Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; OH, Jean; CHAKRABORTY, Nilanjan; SYCARA, Katia; MEHROTRA, Siddharth and LEWIS, Michael. Anytime Cognition: An information agent for emergency response, in The Fifth Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, Adelphi, USA, 2011.
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OREN, Nir; VASCONCELOS, Wamberto; MENEGUZZI, Felipe and LUCK, Michael. Acting on Norm Constrained Plans, in Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XII), Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
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TANG, Yuqing; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; PARSONS, Simon and SYCARA, Katia. Planning over MDPs through Probabilistic HTNs, in Proceedings of the AAAI-11 Workshop on Generalized Planning (GenPlan), San Francisco, USA, 2011.
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OH, Jean; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SYCARA, Katia and NORMAN, Timothy J. An agent architecture for prognostic reasoning assistance, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
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OH, Jean; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SYCARA, Katia. Probabilistic plan recognition for intelligent information agents: Towards proactive software assistant agents, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), Rome, Italy, 2011.
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OH, Jean; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SYCARA, Katia and NORMAN, Timothy J. Prognostic normative reasoning in coalition planning, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2011.
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TANG, Yuqing; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; PARSONS, Simon and SYCARA, Katia. Probabilistic Hierarchical Planning over MDPs, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2011.
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OH, Jean; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SYCARA, Katia and NORMAN, Timothy J. Prognostic agent assistance for norm-compliant coalition planning, in Second International Workshop on Infrastructures and Tools for Multiagent Systems (ITMAS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2011.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Motivations and Goal-Directed Autonomy, in AAAI-10 Workshop on Goal-Directed Autonomy, 2010 (invited paper).
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OH, Jean; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SYCARA, Katia. ANTIPA: an agent architecture for intelligent information assistance, in Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.
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OH, Jean; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; SYCARA, Katia and NORMAN, Timothy J. An agent architecture for intelligent information assistance, in The Fourth Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, London, UK, 2010.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; TANG, Yuqing; SYCARA, Katia and PARSONS, Simon. On representing planning domains under uncertainty, in The Fourth Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, London, UK, 2010.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; OREN, Nir and VASCONCELOS, Wamberto. Using constraints for Norm-aware BDI Agents, in The Fourth Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, London, UK, 2010.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; OH, Jean; SYCARA, Katia; PARSONS, Simon and NORMAN, Timothy J. Challenges in anticipatory information management under network constraints , in The Fourth Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance, London, UK, 2010.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; OH, Jean and SYCARA, Katia. Intelligent information assistance for coalition operations , in Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations, Vancouver, Canada, 2010.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe Extending agent languages for multiagent domains. University of London - King's College London, UK, 2009 (PhD Thesis).
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; MODGIL, Sanjay; OREN, Nir; MILES, Simon; LUCK Michael; HOLT, Camden; SMITH, Malcolm. A contract-based system for aerospace aftercare, in Workshop on Technological trends in Enterprise Systems for SMEs and large enterprises: Heading towards the Future Internet, London, UK, 2009.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe and LUCK, Michael Norm-based behaviour modification in BDI agents. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Budapest, Hungary, 2009.
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MODGIL, Sanjay; FACI, Noura; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; OREN, Nir; MILES, Simon; LUCK, Michael A Framework for Monitoring Agent-Based Normative Systems. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Budapest, Hungary, 2009.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe; MODGIL, Sanjay; OREN, Nir; MILES, Simon; LUCK Michael; FACI, Noura; HOLT, Camden; SMITH, Malcolm. Monitoring and Explanation of Contract Execution: A Case Study in the Aerospace Domain . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) - Industry and Applications Track, Budapest, Hungary, 2009.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe Extending agent languages for autonomy. AAMAS 2008 Doctoral Mentoring Programme. Estoril, Portugal, 2008.
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MENEGUZZI, F.; MILES, Simon; LUCK, Michael; HOLT, Camden; SMITH, Malcolm; OREN, Nir; FACI, Nora; MODGIL, Sanjay and KOLLINGBAUM, Martin Electronic contracting in aircraft aftercare: A case study. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) - Industry and Applications Track. Estoril, Portugal, 2008.
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MENEGUZZI, F.; LUCK, Michael; Interaction among agents that plan. From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation. Estoril, Portugal, 2008.
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MENEGUZZI, F.; LUCK, Michael; Leveraging new plans in AgentSpeak(PL). Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies. Estoril, Portugal, 2008.
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FACI, Noura;MODGIL, Sanjay; OREN, Nir; MENEGUZZI, Felipe; MILES, Simon; and LUCK, Michael; Towards a monitoring framework for agent-based contract systems. Twelfth International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents. Prague, Czech Republic, 2008.
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MENEGUZZI, F. and LUCK, M.. Motivations as an abstraction of meta-level reasoning. Proceedings of the 5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems. Leipzig, 2007.
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MENEGUZZI, F.; LUCK, Michael. Composing high-level plans for declarative agent programming. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies. Honolulu, Hawai'i, 2007.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe. Declarative Goals in Motivated Agent Architectures. King's College London (Transfer Report). London, UK, 2007.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe Rech Motivations and declarative goals as cornerstones of autonomy. Student Session of the Eight European Agent Systems Summer School. Annecy, France, 2006.
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MENEGUZZI, Felipe Rech Motivated Declarative Agents in Multiagent Domains: Open Issues. University of Southampton (Progress Report). Southampton, UK, 2006.
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ZORZO, Avelino Francisco; MENEGUZZI, F. R.. An agent model for fault-tolerant systems. In: 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2005, Santa Fe. Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2005.
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SILVA, Ana Cristina Benso da; OLIVEIRA, João Batista Souza de; MANO, Fernando Tarlá Martins; SILVA, Thiago Bueno da; MEIRELLES, Leonardo Luceiro; MENEGUZZI, F.R.; GIANNETTI, Fabio.. Support for Arbitrary Regions in XSL-FO. In: 14th International World Wide Web Conference, 2005, Japan. Proceedings of the 14th International World Wide Web Conference, 2005.
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SILVA, Ana Cristina Benso da; OLIVEIRA, João Batista Souza de; MANO, Fernando Tarlá Martins; SILVA, Thiago Bueno da; MEIRELLES, Leonardo Luceiro; MENEGUZZI, F.R.; GIANNETTI, Fabio.. Support for Arbitrary Regions in XSL-FO: A proposal for extending XSL-FO semantics and processing model.. In: 2005 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, United Kingdom. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 2005.
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GIANNETTI, Fabio; SILVA, Ana Cristina Benso da; OLIVEIRA, João Batista Souza de; MENEGUZZI, F.R.; MANO, Fernando Tarlá Martins; MEIRELLES, Leonardo Luceiro; SILVA, Thiago Bueno da. Support for Arbitrary Regions in XSL-FO. HP Labs Technical Report 2005-60, Bristol, UK.
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MENEGUZZI, F.R.; SCHNEIDER, Paulo Henrique de Souza; SANTOS, Thais Christina Webber; MÓRA, Michael da Costa. ICE: An agent-based kernel for games. In: Proceedings of the Third Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment, Curitiba, 2004.
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MENEGUZZI, F.R.; MEIRELLES, Leonardo Luceiro; MANO, Fernando Tarlá; Martins; SILVA, Ana Cristina Benso; OLIVEIRA, João Batista Souza. Strategies for Document Optimization in Digital Publishing. In: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Milwaukee, 2004.
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MENEGUZZI, F.R., ZORZO, Avelino Francisco, MÓRA, Michael da Costa. Mapping mental states into propositional planning. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, New York, 2004.
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MENEGUZZI, F. R.; ZORZO, Avelino Francisco; MÓRA, Michael da Costa. Propositional Planning in BDI Agents. In: 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2004, Nicosia. Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2004.
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MENEGUZZI, F. R.; ZORZO, Avelino Francisco. Planejamento Proposicional em Agentes BDI. Porto Alegre: PPGCC/PUCRS, 2003 (Master Thesis in Portuguese).
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MENEGUZZI, F. R.. Modelling Fault-Tolerant Systems using BDI Agents. In: 1st Latin American Symposium on Dependable Computing, 2003, São Paulo. Workshop on Theses and Dissertations, 2003. p. 1-102 .
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SILVA, Andrei Oliveira da; MENEGUZZI, F. R.; SCHNEIDER, Paulo Henrique de Souza; BARCELOS, Rodrigo Borges; RODRIGUES, Vicente Oberto; WALDMAN, Daniel; SILVA, Ana Cristina Benso da. Providing Printing Web Services. In: 5th International Workshop on Networked Appliances, 2002, Liverpool. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Networked Appliances, 2002 .
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MENEGUZZI, F. R.; SCHNEIDER, Paulo Henrique de Souza; MÓRA, Michael da Costa. ICE: Kernel de Agentes para Jogos. Porto Alegre: PUCRS, 2001 (Diploma Thesis in Portuguese).